Conference Program

The outline programme is shown on this page. A more detailed programme will be emailed to you after registration deadline. Actual time arrangement may be a little different according to participant numbers.

June 21, 2024  
10:00am to 11:30am Online Test Zoom Meeting ID: 843 5526 9902
Zoom link:
13:30pm to 17:00pm Pre-conference Registration Room N. 19, Humanities office, University of Roma Tre
June 22, 2024  
8:30am to 12:00pm Walk-in Registration & Information Booth Room N. 19, Humanities office, University of Roma Tre
9:00am to 9:10am Conference Chair's Welcome Message
9:10am to 9:50am Keynote Speech 1
Prof. Michele Della Ventura, Music Academy 'Studio Musica', Italy
Speech Title: TBA
9:50am to 10:30am Keynote Speech 2
Prof. Xindong Wu, IEEE/AAAS Fellow, Director of the Key Laboratory of Knowledge Engineering with Big Data (Hefei University of Technology), Ministry of Education, China
Speech Title: CHACE-KO: A Connected, Hybrid, Accommodating, Contained, and Evolving Knowledge-Ocean
10:30am to 11:00am Group Photo & Welcome Coffee Break
11:00am to 11:40am Keynote Speech 3
Prof. Hui Yu, University of Glasgow, the United Kingdom
Speech Title: Facial Sensing for Human-Machine Interaction
11:40am to 12:10pm Invited Speech 1
Dr. Adela Lau, The University of Hong Kong, China
Speech Title: Using AI and Data Science in Metaverse for Virtual Entrepreneurship
12:10pm to 13:30pm Lunch Break Room N. 19, Humanities office, University of Roma Tre
13:30pm to 15:45pm Author Presentation Session I (Onsite)
15:45pm to 16:15pm Coffee Break
16:15pm to 18:30pm Author Presentation Session II (Onsite)
17:30pm to 20:00pm Closing Dinner
June 23, 2024  
9:00am-11:15am Author Presentation Session III (Online) Zoom Meeting ID: 843 5526 9902
Zoom link: